Friday, May 25, 2012

New HS Sport

You gotta' be kidding me....
In the state of Kentucky bass fishing is now a sanctioned high school sport.
Thats right, Bubba and Jimmy Bob can now go bass fishing, missing classes to compete and hold bake sales in hopes of being able to buy a bass boat.
Its bad enough that schools are cutting back on sports programs due to budget cut but perhaps this makes sense. After all you do need certain skills or learn to develope those skills. Like how to drive a boat at 50 mph while not spilling your beer. Now that is a true life time lesson we should all learn.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Time down the toilet

Since the advent of the "Smart Phone" employers world wide
have started documenting lost production time due to bathroom breaks. Of course it's no longer the 1800's and we do have labor laws to protect not only the employee but also the bosses of the world. So why now are bathroom breaks becoming top news stories? It appears that the average factory worker now spends an additional 38 minutes per 40 hour work week in the can. Why? Because they now have more than yesterdays wrinkled news paper to take into the stall. Many folks are catching up on their email, texting friends and almost 40% of those surveyed actually play games. So don't be surprised when you start seeing bathroom monitors standing by the entry doors demanding you hand over your smart phone before entering.