Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Samhain

Happy Samhain and Halloween!

For all of those who were hoping to go out door to door this year in lower New England, sorry to hear that Halloween is postponed. Not really sure how to do that since the 31st is the only true night when the barrier is thinnest between our world and the other.

How did orange and black become the colors of Samhain? The orange represents the colors of harvest and black, the other side.

It wasn't always a good thing to be a witch.

During the Dark Times, many were accused of being witches and suffered for it. Fortunately if you were a witch you were smart and crafty enough not to get caught.So many innocent folks were drowned, burned and stoned to death. Then in New England the times caught up with the Puritans who it turned out were far from pure.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

WInter Comes Early

In what experts* are calling a freak October snow storm, we received between 7 to 13 inches of snow. Not that snow is a bad thing; after all it is New England and we are heading into the winter season so mixed weather conditions should be expected.

What made this event quite serious is that the snow was a very wet heavy type. That and the fact that many, many trees still had fall foliage is the combination for a 'Perfect Storm'.

For once we were of the fortunate few that did not loose electrical power. With over 90% of Bethel without power our lights burned brightly well into the night. On the other hand we did have a tree fall. Well not exactly fall; it was more like a work in progress. Sandi had her eye on one of our cedars along the driveway for quite some time. As the heavy snow started accumulating on our trees the cedars did take on the most. While all of them did well the one of concern to Sandi did begin to lean with the weight. And then started to lean some more.Unfortunately in the wrong direction. Eventually it leaned over all the way. Or at least as far as the Airstream and truck would allow it to. Yes, as you can sort of see above, there is an Airstream and a Silverado 2500HD under all that snow and tree.

*individuals who predict local weather with the accuracy of a blind person playing horse-shoes.