Thursday, May 26, 2011

Optical Yellow

Back in 1480, Louis XI of France made use of his crown by forbidding the filling of tennis balls with chalk, dirt, sand or sawdust and they should be made of good leather and well filled with wool. Others of the time were made of animal furs, animal intestines, human hair and many other odd substances, but the standards were being set way back for Kings Tennis or as it is called today, "Real Tennis". Lawn tennis was introduced in the 1870's where the court size was standardized, lawns in place and a vulcanized rubber ball was used.

Eventually control of the standards for tennis were removed from the French Crown and are now governed by the International Tennis Federation (ITF). There appears to be more regulations for tennis balls than for importing Panda Bears (that's another story for another day).

Anyway, what this is really all about is the color of tennis balls. For my childhood, the balls were a white cream color when new and came four to a sleeve. They eventually became pressurized and in metal cans with a pop-lid of only three. In 1972 the color of "Optic Yellow" was introduced. Why? The tennis ball received it major make-over for the sole purpose of making the balls more visible on TV!

About two years ago we started seeing this color on items other than tennis balls. First it was construction safety vests, then shirts, joggers apparel, police clothing, bike riders, bathing suits and now ladies underwear. Why ladies undergarments? I have no idea. I was doing some research but could not come up with an actual person responsible for the tennis ball color change but I am curious, is that individual responsible for the return of this color for other uses?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Farewell Spirit

Back in 2003, NASA launch two separate Mars rovers, Spirit and Opportunity each to land on opposite sides of Mars for a 90 day mission to explore the surface for signs of water and life. Spirit landed on the surface in January 2004 in what became a historic 2,190+ day mission.

Shortly after midnight NASA sent one last message to the Mars Rover Spirit. After getting stuck in a sand pit last year, slowly Spirit was slipping into a cold Mars winter. With hope of the spring sun and warmth recharging the solar batteries NASA began to realize the inevitable.

"There's a sadness that we have to say goodbye to Spirit," says project Manager John Callas of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which runs the twin rovers. But "we have to remember the great accomplishments and the blessings that we have received of having this rover for so long.

Opportunity is still up and running and there are no plans at this time to end its mission.

Monday, May 23, 2011

We Survived!

An earlier time in history right here in Connecticut there was a sudden alarm of doomsday, "The Dark Day", May 19th, 1780. As noted in the historical records; In Hartford the House of Representatives were meeting when at midday the day became so dark, members "Fell on their knees and clamored for adjournment".

"I am against adjournment. The Day of Judgement is either approaching, or it is not. If it is not, there is no cause for adjournment. If it is, I choose to be found doing my duty. I wish therefore, that candles may be brought".

Candles were brought forth and the House continued its business that day, and for many more days right up to today!