The group did not fair well due to famine, disease and Indian attacks. John Smith would come to their aid while exploring and mapping the area.. In December of 1607 Smith and two colonists were captured by Powhatan warriors. Smith's life was spared due to an intercession of Pocahontas, the 13 year old daughter of Chief Powhatan's. It was because of this event that she would often visit the colony as an emissary. Because of these visits she learned the language and customs of the colony.
The colony did not fair well and Smith returned home. In June of 1610 Baron De La Warr (Delaware) arrived just in time with fresh supplies. Soon after John Rolfe arrived in Jamestown and two years later started to cultivate tobacco. In the spring of 1613 English Captain Samuel Argall took Pocahontas as a hostage hoping to use her to negotiate a permanent peace with her Chief father. During this time she converted to Christianity. Eventually an accord was reached for peace but by then she had fallen in love with John Rolfe.
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