One this day, January 23, 1957 molding machines at the Wham-O toy company began to roll out the very first batch of their aerodynamic plastics disks now known to millions as the FRISBEE. The story of the Frisbee began in Bridgeport, Connecticut where Mr. William Frisbie opened the Frisbie Pie Company in 1871. Being a supplier of pies to local universities the students would hang onto the tin pie plates and throw them at each other yelling ---"Frisbie"
Walter Morrison and his partner Warren Franscioni invented a plastic version of the disc called the "Flying Saucer" that cold fly further and more accurately than the pie tin. After splitting with Francsioni, Morrison made an improved model i 1955 and sold it to the new toy company Wham-O as the "Pluto Platter."
In 1958 just a year after the toy's first release, Wham-O changed the name to the Frisbee Disk, misspelling the name of the historic pie company.
Mr. Warren Franscioni.