There is little question that oil prices have been unstable and today they hit their highest futures cost since September 2009, $106.64. This is for oil deliveries in April. Isn't it amazing that what will cost more to purchase then refine in April is costing you and I more today? According to the Connecticut State Attorney's Office, gas stations are allowed to charge per gallon what ever they feel the market will pay! WOW. So they blame the unrest in the Middle East, specifically Lybia. By the way, only 2% of all imported crude into the United States comes from Lybia.
According to the Oil Price Information Service the new national average for regular unleaded gasoline $3.471 per gallon. Where? Sign me up! And what about Diesel? According to the State of Connecticut OLR Research Report in a study conducted by Daniel Duffy; January 1995 gas - $1.23 vs. diesel $1.10 per gallon. July 2001 gas - $1.68 vs. diesel $1.52. July 2006 - gas $3.15 vs. diesel $2.93 per gallon. Today diesel is an avergae of 12% more per gallon, no wonder bananas are now $0.89 per pound!