On our way out for the day we stopped of at the dumpster to drop of our garbage. Sandi placed it in the dumpster even though the sign clearly said NO DUMPING.
Months after the detestation of hurricane Irene the rebuilding and cleaning up continues. There were five major sections route 12 completely destroyed. The road way is now passable all the way south.
On the northern shores of the Outer Banks construction began on the Currituck Beach Light Station in 1873 and being completed and illuminated December 1, 1875. The light was known as a First-Order light because it used the first seven of the largest Fresnel Lenses available making it extremely bright. 162 feet tall is is composed of over 1,000,000 bricks. Unlike almost every other light house, it is unpainted in order to distinguish it from the Cape Henry light to the north and Bodie to the south.