While most of the area at home has been suffering a heat wave and pasing thunderstorms and high humidity we have been very lucky here in Narragansett.
Welcome to our Blog! We have been having a wonderful time traveling around the country in our Airstream. We have made a lot of new friends both on the road and right here. We are glad you stopped by!
We were treated by Rich making the reservations for us on this trip. We had several options including inviting them to spend time in our driveway which we had discussed but since Sandi and I will travel anywhere anytime we opted for the camp ground.
Of the many gardens, I think the Pool Garden is my favorite, but another trip will probably change my mind. The rose garden is probably incredible. Eleanor and Sandi walking the grounds. We were treated to an overcast day and the rain held off for the most part. After leaving the park we stopped at Duncan Donuts for good conversation and some coffee, they had the local radio station playing and we heard the National Emergency Alert and it wasn't a test!
We ran back to the camp ground with the threat of 65 MPH winds, ground stricking lightening and hail a very strong possibility. We fired up the laptop and tracked the storm.
It didn't take long for the sky to turn that very strange green-black color and we had some very intense lighteneing and thunder. As we stood outside watching the storm move north we counted our lucky stars that it tracked exactly seven miles north of us.