Under Garments
I need to learn more history than I have been over the past seven years of concentrated study because I have never before seen nor heard about Rust Proof ladies corsets before. It may very well be an interesting subject worth some study. Just the idea of an under garment needing to be rust proof is interesting enough. The next question would of course be why? Not to mention does one really need parts of ones underwear to contain parts that would rust? It seems as if this causes more questions than any reference to gaining answers. During this period in history, did ladies wear their corset swimming? Or perhaps there was more rain during this period and umbrellas were not yet available in the United State? Nope, the umbrella is actually over 4,000 years old and documented in artwork of Egypt, Greece and China. As for rainfall amounts, I reviewed records going back as far as 1763 for New England and it appears the rainfall amounts are fairly consistent if you use the five year model plan. Meaning, you measure the rainfall for 1763 to 1768 and create an average. Then 1764 to 1769 and create an average and so forth. This process of examination creates an very accurate curve without a bell line. The short explanation, no notable average rainfall increases. Perhaps after some more study I will be able to report back to you on the need for a rust proof corset.
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