I know, we have all heard it before...."Just when I thought I have seen it all...". Well here is another one to add to the books. You can now purchase your casket for burial at COSTCO. But there is a catch; you need to buy six at a time. We had discovered a long time ago that there is really no advantage to purchasing in bulk at COSTCO verses our shopping at BIG Y using our shoppers card and silver coins. Of course, there is just the two of us but in a national comparison survey, shoppers actually spent less at the neighborhood chain per item than at COSTCO. There are a few items called loss leaders that you will find cheaper, but not many. The only difference at COSTCO is you need to buy multiple units or larger packages of items but the per unit pricing is pretty much the same as at any other store. So between the cost of membership, driving further, cost to run the freezer, and all that time, the only advantage you may end up with is all the free food samples providing you with a free meal if you plan it right.
Now about those coffins............. does it come with a free embalmers kit?
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