Welcome to our Blog! We have been having a wonderful time traveling around the country in our Airstream. We have made a lot of new friends both on the road and right here. We are glad you stopped by!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Good-bye Dad
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving in Plimouth 2008 with our Airstreaam friends. We have the tent all set up and turkeys started cooking this morning. We decided to try something different, cooking our turkey in a garbage can.

So, you pound a stake in the ground, wrap everything in foil and set the turkey on it.

Monday, October 27, 2008
Salem 2008

We also had all kinds of weather! Thursday night we had temps down to 22F, we had sunny days in the low 70's, cloudy days, very heavy rain and winds up to 60 MPH as noted above. We lost both of our EZE UPS in the storm. I took most of the best parts home and maybe able to rebuild one.

Kevin, Donal and Sandi enjoying the sunny day at camp on Friday.

Friday night we had a pumpkin carving contest. This was my attempt which did not win.

One of the really great things about Salem is that the town is truely haunted. Several times Kevin has captured auras in this cemetary. I set up one of the Nikon's with special ghost night vision in which you can actually see the energy of the cemetary. The National Enquirer has offered me tons of money for this shot. I am holding out for more.

For those of you who haven't seen us in our October State, here Sandi and I are in town.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Fun in the Country

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Columbus Day Weekend

Part of our original plan was to get to Rhinebeck Aeridrome which we did. It has been fifteen years or so since my last visit and nothing had really changed all that much.
The old planes were still flying and the Black Barron and Sir Percy will still at it fighting over Trudy True-Love, dropping bombs on each other and getting a little dog-fighting in.

Sunday, October 05, 2008
Forest Lake Revisited

Sandi and I headed up to Great East Lake this past weekend and camped at Lake Forest where we were married last June. Anytime in Wakefield is wonderfull but the autumn is even more so. We went up just the two of us and were hoping to get in some canoe time but the lake was roaring.

Ahh, a photo of me, getting ready to break camp and head home. Sandi and I have it down to pretty much a science of getting everything ready for the road.

No we didn't buy another camper! I had to post this one for my cousin Andre' since he is looking for a new project we thought this would be perfect for him.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Pirate Day

Sunday, August 31, 2008
Fenway Park, Boston

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Alma on the Fundy Bay

Another wonderful view of the massive tidal bay void of water.

Another view (which we have 100's of photos) show the channel out to see.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Friday Head to the Border