Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Dr. Anthony Fauci

This man is an American Hero!

The current state of our great nation is in peril on so many fronts it makes one afraid to watch or read the news. Above all the disorder, lies, name calling and disgraceful behavior one man stands above it all.

Dr. Fauci has no private agenda. He has nothing to gain but has given himself 100% to help us navigate this horrible landscape of COVID-19.

Monday, July 27, 2020

What a Jerk!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

I really don't have words to explain to my fellow Americans the dire situation as a nation we are in. Our president thinks that displaying Goya products on the most famous desk in the world to show his personal appreciation and promotion of Goya products.
Forget that thousands of American are dying weekly due to the Covid-19.
Forget that our great country is in the midst of social discord for our
African-American citizens. 
Forget the fact that millions of Americans are out of work.

Let us all be sure to purchase Goya products in grocery stores that still cannot stock cleaning supplies, paper goods other food stuffs.

Monday, June 22, 2020

False History

During an American History lecture in the Abram's Lecture Hall

the professor ask his students if any one could possibly give a one paragraph

over view of Roe vs. Wade.

Miss Thompson, a sophomore in the liberal arts program

responded after being called up with her version"

"Roe vs. Wade was the dilemma facing General Washington

as his troops came upon the Delaware River on their way to Trenton".

General George Washington crossing the Delaware River as painted by Emanuel Leutze some sixty years after the event.

It was Christmas Day, 1776 when Washington's troop made their way across the Delaware River from Pennsylvania to Trenton New Jersey. 2,400 men along with supplies and artillery made the crossing surprising the British troops, mostly Hessians. In killing Col. Johann Rall, their commander and capturing over 900 prisoners and their weapons, Washington secured a major win when moral was at a low.

As for history being wrong, it is actually the stirring image of the painting which has become famous as much as the crossing but the inacuracies out number the historic value of the work.

For, it is the Rhine River and not the Delaware.